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May 19, 2013

Podcasting Reaches a Global Audience

Podcasting Reaches a Global Audience

In today's show we hear about some of the subtle items Americans (or other people) can do that may not translate well in other countries. I share with you the insane number of countries that consume this podcast. It is amazing to think that I'm in a...

In today's show we hear about some of the subtle items Americans (or other people) can do that may not translate well in other countries. I share with you the insane number of countries that consume this podcast. It is amazing to think that I'm in a room near Cleveland, Ohio and I'm reaching hundreds of people in China, Canada, Germany, and many, many, many other countries.

Pinterest Podcaster Lands Television Spot [2:00]

Cynthia Sanchez of the Oh So Pinteresting Podcast has been podcasting for a little over a year, and was recently asked to appear on local television to (see the clip). This is another example of podcasting helping someone be seen as an expert.

New Subscribe and Follow Plugin [4:10]

My friend Daniel J. Lewis of the Audacity to Podcast has authored a plugin that makes sharing and subscribing to your podcast super easy. You can easily go in and input the links to sites like iTunes, stitcher, miro, and more then customize your colors, and if you want to feature one network over another you can do that as well (for example make the iTunes button bigger than the others). Best of all these will look great at any resolution. Check it out at Through the end of may Daniel has it on sale for $27 ($10 off the regular price) so hurry. I cam currently using it on my Weekly Web Toolssite and will be using it on this site shortly...

How Podcasting Can Boost Your Business [6:30]

I appear on the Photo Biz Expose Podcast talking about how podcasting can boost your wedding or portrait photography business. Listen to it here. Special thanks to Andrew for having me on the show.

Reach a Global Audience with Podcasting [7:23]

Today I bring an interview that was conducted on the floor of the New Media Expo last year. I interview Karin Høgh of She mentions that we need to remember that there are holidays, products, etc that don't always "translate" well to a global audience. For example, while you can make $15 for every new audible subscriber on your podcast (details here), Audible is a very "American/Canadian" type of offer. She also mentions the Yender Law which is an unwritten law that promotes everyone being equal. Think of it as an "Un-ego" law, and that we should think twice before touting our accomplishments, or openly "selling" a product. In looking at my stats, 85% of my audience is from the US, with the second option being "other" at 7% followed by China at 4% and Canada at 2.5%. It is interesting as I look at my stats that there are very few counties on the planet (Iceland being one) that I do not get at least 1 download (get a free month at using the coupon code sopfree). The reach of podcasting is amazing.

Clip of the Week [19:13]

This weeks clip of the week is from the New Media Show featuring Paul Colligan. Paul mentions how his young daughter was a little confused when her Dad said, "I guess we'll have to listen to the radio." He response? "What's that?"

Using More Than One Blue Snowball Microphone

A listener asked, "Can I use more than one Blue Snowball Microphone?" and the quick answer is "No." At least not easily. Blue snowball microphones are USB ONLY, and do not work with standard mixers. They are also condensor microphones which means they pick up more room noise. A better choice is the Audio Technica 2100 microphone. It is USB (so you get the plug and play) and it also works with mixers (XLR jack), and it sounds great and is only (as of May 2013) $34. Check it out at

A Historical Look at the School of Podcasting [28:30]

May 2006 Reading Feedburner stats May 2007 Losing your free voicemail number, your podcast name, and making podcast flyers, and pacing yourself. May 2008 Time shifted Interviews May 2009 Is your site accessible to those who blind? Taking Your Podcast Portable. May 2010 Review of the Go Mic from Sampson, You Can't Please Everyone May 2011 Podcamp Beginner Questions, Why You should NOT host your media on your website, putting a sock on it, and the bad side of podcasting. May 2012Feedburner, Flattr, Podcast Promotion the Biblical Way, The Best Time to Live Podcast, and Membership Sites.

This Show's Length [33:00]

I've been thinking (since the last New Media Expo) about doing two shorter shows a week instead of one long show with multiple topics. I wanted to get your opinion. [polldaddy poll=7114138]

New Group Podcast Coaching Coming

I will be launching live podcast classes that will meet for a few weeks where you will be attending live (and if you can't you'll receive the recording) and we will go through the entire podcasting process. In just a few short weeks, you will be podcasting. To find out more, go to

Podcast 411 Backblaze online backup tool Fix My Podcast Podcast (podfaded after a month) ElectroVoice RE320 Microphone