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Dec. 8, 2014

Premium Podcast RSS Feeds - HipCast Podcast Media Hosting Review

Premium Podcast RSS Feeds - HipCast Podcast Media Hosting Review

Premium Podcast RSS Feeds - HipCast Podcast Media Hosting Review

Because of my Podcast... I got to Meet a Mentor and Be Seen as an Expert

Ben from Modern Self Defense where he was asked to teach a class, meet a mentor, and then he had 20 peopel fly in to meet HIM. This great event gets better, they have already asked him back to do another class. Ben is doing his podcast as he wants people to be safe. Fin him at and in iTunes.

How to Create a Protected / Premium RSS Podcast Feed 6:37

I've had a few people ask me this question so thanks to Nick at, Jason from and Randy from Leaning Towards Wisdom (itunes) I use Digital Access Pass to accomplish this through some short codes. Then anyone who is subscribed can access their special version of the RSS feed (and other can't). If they cancel their account their RSS goes dead. I ave a video on my Patreon page that shows how this works (sign up for $1 and get access to bonus videos). Here are some tips and insight into having premium content. 1. If you are creating premium content for your launch, remember you don't have an audience yet and you may be doing "double the work" for an audience that doesn't exist. 2. When you get into ecommerce, you enter the world of paypal. Some people love paypal, and others refuse to us it. 3. You will need to be able to support your members. Its not a set it up and watch the money come in. They will occasionally need some help. 4. If you can keep the free items completely separate than the premium your life will be easy. I'm in the process of moving the premium content from the School of Podcasting to a completely different website. This makes keeping things "straight" a WHOLE lot easier. If you mix the premium and free content together, it can be quite the headache keeping everything separate (the easiest way to to just keep them separate). 5. If you are trying to make it so that there is NO WAY To steal your content, then you will have a long day. If your product is digital, people can steal it. That's a fact and in the end you have to end up trusting your customers. Don't get hung up on that. People will pay for items in money or time. There are those people who have more time than money and can go to great lengths to get your content (and there are some customers who will share it with others - welcome to 2014).

Post Rewind [17:45]

I appeared on the Podcaster's Roundtable where we talked about platforms for podcasting. Listen/Watch it here. Izzabela and Mike Russel produce the Branding Cow podcast where you can have Izzabela go over your website from top to bottom. In one episode the podcaster was using the Website host to host their media and Izzabela mentions how it took almost 10 minutes to download the episode. You can find the Branding Cow podcast at Mike and Izzabela run Music Radio Creative and recommend using Spreaker as your media host. Music Radio Creative are responsible for the "Podcast Rewind" voice over as well as the "Ladies" who sing "The School of Podcasting with Dave Jackson." Speaking of using your Web Hoist as a Media host I interview Ralph from on episode 419 where he talks about the horror of having to move to a "real" media host after launching his podcast (his web host even told him it would be fine - then it wasn't). You can hear that episode HERE (if you want a free month of hosting at or use the coupon sopfree ).

Spotlight Podcast: Adopting and Fostering in Faith [22:56]

Today we spotlight a new podcast "Adopting and Fostering in Faith from a new member of the School of Podcasting Robert Gelinas. This podcast is all about inspiration, information and resources for Christians who desire to care for orphans in their own backyard (and beyond). I love it as Robert is an expert (he has five adopted children) and he is using the podcast to help others with questions about fostering and adopting children. Check out his website at and find his podcast in itunes

Last 5 in 5 from Ben Branam [29:46]

Ben Branam from Modern Self Protection (No One SHould Live in Fear) shares the last five podcasts you listened to: 1. Daily Audio Bible 2. Get it Done Guy 3. The Survival Podcast 4. Handgun World 5. Black Man With a Gun

HipCast Podcast Media Hosting Review [34:15]

I've am getting a bit tired of reviewing media hosts as there are new ones every day (hour?) I was asked to look at My criteria includes: 1. Don't mess with my file (they do) - although you are allowed to rename your file once you upload it. They transcode your file as well. 2. Give me a way to redirect my feed (they don't). 3. Dont limit my bandwidth (they pass) 4. Give me stats (their stats get a D+ - very, very basic) 5. Give me unlimited storage (they pass) They list features on their website that aren't really features ("We back up you files" - really? I hope so). Their online recording tools didn't work with my machine (they didn't recognize my microphone). The recording from your phone produced a quality that I feel is poor at best. You can read my review of other media hosts here. I recommend and (who meet all my criteria) get a free month at either site using the coupon sopfree As Tim is doing a video podcast and he wants to put out an hour long video, I ask "Does it really need to be video. There are people who do videos for YouTube and then put the audio out as a podcast. Cali Lewis use to do this (and might still be doing it) for What some people will do is create a smaller version to be downloaded 640 x 360 (16:9) Or 640 x 480 (4:3) Then upload the HD version to Youtube and put the Youtube version on your website and put the smaller version into your feed and let people watch YouTube on your website. This reduces how much space you need for hosting. If your show is NOT visual (talking head) I would recommend this.  

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