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May 25, 2020

The Power of a Mighty Network

The Power of a Mighty Network

with Jessica Shambora

Question of the Month: Focus Groups

01:43 Currently, I'm obsessed with focus groups. Why? Because every time I hear someone talking about growing their audience the absolute last thing they mention is their content. So I asked my audience if they had ever used a focus group and Max from Aviation News Talk and Sharon from All God's Women both share how they had got some feedback and both feel they would benefit from it.

Recently I did some market research that had me way out of my comfort zone but the information I received was worth the discomfort.

02:26 Max from Aviation News Talk

04:34 Sharon From All God's Women

06:02 We All Benefit from Constructive Feedback

Facebook Vs Mighty Networks

On a previous episode, the hosts of the Wealth Without Wall Street were interviewed and mentioned how they had grown their overall revenue by 300%. One of its key ingredients was a Mighty Network. When I looked into this tool, I found it to be the swiss army knife of building communities (and if you want it - revenue). With Facebook losing 15 million in the last two years source and trust getting lower and lower why not move a separate mobile-friendly location where YOU are in control of your community.

Jessica Shamora is the Head of Brand and Growth at Mighty Networks and came to answer my questions:

Jessica Shambora and talk about Mighty Networks and how you can use them to build community. We talk about why a Mighty Network is better than Facebook and more (see chapter markers for more details).

Check out Mighty Networks


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June Question of the Month

47:16 This month's question is "Who would be your #1 guest you want on your show?"

I need your answer by June 26th.

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