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April 13, 2020

They Said, "Why Not" Now Look at Them!

They Said,

As a podcast consultant and coach, my biggest struggle is not getting people to pick a name, or artwork, or finding the right gear. Those are all a walk in the park. My hardest part is getting people to start. First I need them to press record, and...

As a podcast consultant and coach, my biggest struggle is not getting people to pick a name, or artwork, or finding the right gear. Those are all a walk in the park. My hardest part is getting people to start. First I need them to press record, and then I need them (after a few practice runs) to press publish. Then once I get them to publish, you have to be ready to pivot and tweak your podcast unless you think you got it 100% perfect on the very first try. 

Today I share stories and insights from

Danny Elfman

Kevin Smith

Jeff Dunham

Matthew Dicks

Bouncecast Software Review

See the video podcast review

Podcaster Happy Hour

Need a place to come hang out and chill. Looking for a place to come and just have some conversations and relax? Check out

Question of the Month

What do you use to create your show? Answer at

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Mentioned in this Episode

What was that like podcast with William Hung?

Storyworthy Book

Speak Up Story Telling Podcast

Jeff Dunham on WTF

Kevin Smith Interview

Danny Elfman Masterclass

The Podcaster Attitude – Your Biggest Tool For Success

Juggling the Podcaster Attitude

Overcoming with Imposter Syndrome