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Nov. 25, 2019

Tools To Clean Up Bad Audio

Tools To Clean Up Bad Audio

Today we are talking about Plugins. Plugins are things you add to your audio editing software to make it better, more efficient, etc. The best way to avoid buying these (or using these) is to record good audio in the first place. That is not always an...

Today we are talking about Plugins. Plugins are things you add to your audio editing software to make it better, more efficient, etc. The best way to avoid buying these (or using these) is to record good audio in the first place. That is not always an option (especially with interview shows with guests) so there is a company that has a bundle on sale 72% off and I put it through some tests. Please note this is an affiliate link (but also note - some of these are not great). 

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Question of the Month


What is bugging you?

Brandy Henry from engaging on social media with Brandy Henry

Karrie Bond from the Keywest Perspective Podcast 

Jason Sacco from The Ankylosing Spondylitis Podcast

Libsyn and Spotify Changes

Spotify no longers makes a copy of your file and puts it on their website (they serve it directly from Libsyn). This makes it much easier to replace a file. This also means your stats are going to shift in the Libsyn dashboard. Instead of being in a separate section, the Spotify stats will go under the "normal" Libsyn stats (so don't panic). 

Question of the Month for December

I do this every year. Please record your response and include the following:

  1. Your name and the name of your podcast
  2. Your website where we can find your podcast
  3. A brief synopsis of what your podcast is about (who its for, and what to expect)
  4. What is your favorite podcast from 2019?
  5. Why is it your favorite?
  6. What is the website of this podcast? 

I need the answers in by December 27th, 2019 so it can be heard on December 30th. 

Mentioned In This Episode

First Things First (Book by Steven Covey) 

The Stephen R. Covey Interactive Reader - 4 Books in 1 (includes audio and video)

Audphonic Levelizing and Noise Removal Tool

Start Your Podcast - Grow Your Influence (and numbers)

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