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Jan. 25, 2016

Unleash the Hero in You and Positively Impact Your Audience

Unleash the Hero in You and Positively Impact Your Audience

Examples of people positively impacting their audience.

Because of my Podcast Darren Dake

Darren Dake from the Coroner talk podcast has told us (about a year ago) where he was asked to do some state wide training in Missouri). Well Darren is back because now - because of his podcast - which is now over 100,000 downloads (think about how niche his topic is). Darren is using his podcast as a calling card, and now Darren has been asked to do some teaching on a NATIONAL level as the LEAD INSTRUCTOR for a course. He has made great contacts all over the world and has been asked to speak at numerous conventions. His next goal is to be asked to speak outside of the US. Check out his show at 

One more point: Coroner talk was Darren's second podcast. So you don't always hit it out of the park the first time. Darren started, tweaked, learned along the way and now is seeing success.

Podcast Rewind: Podcaster's Roundtable

In the recent episode of the Podcaster's Roundtbale we ask, "Is your podcast paying for itself?" Check it out at 

We talk about networks, patreon, and wondering if people making money with their podcast is ruining podcasting for the hobby podcast.

Unleash Your Inner Hero: Defining Podcast Success

A post in a Facebook Group Asked: "What is your idea or definition of a successful podcast, the one that has specific number of downloads, or subscriptions or sponsorship or something else that I might not know??"

Does it make you happy? Do you love doing it every day/week? Do you have a positive impact on the lives of others? is it something you'd love to do every day as your career? You're successful. It's not about dollars and cents or downloads - it's about levels of happiness - Lou Mongello All I can say is Amen.

Look, I love what money can do for me. I'm up to my eyeballs in student loans, but if you OBSESS over downloads numbers, and OBSESS over New and Noteworthy you are focusing on the wrong thing. You need to focus on your audience and impacting them in a positive fashion.

Example of Podcast Success

12:59 Mark Dowding from the Oh Beep Geocaching Show

Not writing this to boast, or brag, just as a heads up to anyone who is getting a little jaded with their podcast. We've struggled the last few shows and have only recorded one episode in January. We've been questioning our value in our niche and what we bring to the table. Then a listener sent this e mail, which told us we've been achieving what we set out to do every episode.:

"I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy the show. I listen on my way to work and on my way home from work. My drive is around 1 1/2 hours. I have never laughed so much listening to a podcast. I sometimes have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. An awesome father and son podcast.

So thank you"

Thats all we want to do, entertain people. There are plenty of deep dive podcasts in our niche and plenty of interview podcasts. We wanted to do something different and it seems we hit the spot - no one before that listener has told us we've done that.

Its worth keeping in mind that someone listening is getting value from your show, so don't give up.

People Are Listening

Glenn The Geek of Horse Radio Network has appeared twice on this show (cause he's that good) and check this out. He posted something in the School of Podcasting's Private Facebook Club. "I need to brag a bit, with the help of Dave Jackson getting the word out I have had four podcasters contact me this week who heard me speak on sponsorship and they all got their first sponsors this week! Rates ranged from $50 to $1500 an episode, congrats everyone. Learn more about this model in my Keynote at

Silencing the Imposter

It is amazing how if we are asked for our favorite childhood memory we may have to think about it. If someone asks for our worst memory, it comes to us without hesitation. These are the thoughts that stop us from reaching out to the world. These are the thoughts that whisper in our head that nobody would listen to a podcast from you. We today we provided three examples of people who are being heard, and who are making a difference.

Learning From My Mistakes

29:25 I left Jeff Hollbrook from out of the My Favorite Podcast Is project - for the second year in a row. I've learned to make a more streamlined submission process.

I forgot to press record on a recording - I notice this happens more when the person I'm interviewing is a friend and I'm feeling more comfortable, and more likely to "jump into the conversation."

I blew off the setting for my backup recording. You need to treat this as the file you will be using- because that may be the case.

I forgot to mention that I also sent the Ask the Podcast Coach show down the feed for the School of Podcasting. Lesson? Slow down when publishing. 

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