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Aug. 29, 2022

What is the Podlation Cycle? with Toby Goodman

What is the  Podlation Cycle? with Toby Goodman

I met Toby at Podcast Movement Evolutions and he gave me his book in which he gives step-by-step strategies to grow your business using podcasting. The main strategy is to interview your potential customer. I get that strategy, but what about the...

I met Toby at Podcast Movement Evolutions and he gave me his book Narrow Podcasting in which he gives step-by-step strategies to grow your business using podcasting. The main strategy is to interview your potential customer. I get that strategy, but what about the listener? Toby is the "Pro" behind the Pro Editing service at Blubrry, and runs his own podcasting services at So I brought Toby on to talk about it. 

PLEASE NOTE: This was recorded before Podcast Movement 2022 in Dallas which had some controversies.

Focusrite: The Vocaster Series Made For Podcasters

  • AutoGain – Easily set your levels with the click of a button, with more than enough gain on tap (70dB) – no booster needed
  • Enhance – Four podcaster-approved voice presets bring out the best in any voice
  • Mute – Silence the mic with the touch of a button – don’t let unexpected interruptions get in the way of recording
  • Connect your phone – Record phone calls, high quality music, or other audio from your device, seamlessly
  • Record to a camera – Plug in your camera and record directly to its memory card
  • Loopback – Stream calls or any other audio you can think of from your computer with two sets of stereo loopback
  • Included software – Hindenburg Lite to record, three months of SquadCast Pro + Video to bring in your guests, and six months of Acast Influencer to publish, you’re ready to get your show out there
  • Learn more at: 

Narrow Podcasting With Toby Goodman

In our discussion with Toby we learn:

  • Why did he write his book
  • What is the Podlationship Cycle?
  • The Criteria Toby Uses to Select His Guests
  • What is a good podcast?
  • Do Audiograms Work?
  • What can a person expect from the Narrow Podcasting Course?

For more information on Toby, his book and his course. Check out


I need your answer by the end of August 2022

This month's question comes from Dave from Walking is Fitness which is a daily 10-minute podcast designed to help listeners find a little extra motivation to get out for a fitness walk every single day. 

Most podcast hosts have a target listener. And I would imagine like most podcasts, there are certain themes and topics that I know that are of greater interest to my target listener.

 How often do you return to these key topics?

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When you answer tell us about your show (including the WEBSITE ADDRESS).

Where I Will Be?

I look forward to seeing you all, please come up and say high. To see my full itinerary, go to

Join the School of Podcasting
When you join the School of Podcasting you can quit worrying about:

Are people going to listen to me? (Yes, cause I'll show you how to see what they want).

Am I going to sound stupid? (No, as I'll show you the magic of editing)

It will cost a million dollars (No, I'll have you sounding like a million bucks without spending a million bucks). 

I don't anything about this technology (You said the same thing about driving). 

Get access to:
Step-by-step tutorials, live group coaching, a mastermind group filled with brilliant podcasting minds,  and the ability to schedule as many one-on-one quick fix calls as you like at no extra charge. 
Join worry-free with a 30-day money-back guarantee 

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