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Dec. 13, 2021

Why I Absolutely Still Distrust (New Reasons)

Why I Absolutely Still Distrust (New Reasons)

I was talking to someone who said how "Flexible" Anchor/fm was (owned by Spotify). When I hear stuff like this I often wonder "WHAT IS YOUR SOURCE?" I did a video a while ago when there were some serious issues with Anchor that most people were...

I was talking to someone who said how "Flexible" Anchor/fm was (owned by Spotify). When I hear stuff like this I often wonder "WHAT IS YOUR SOURCE?" I did a video a while ago when there were some serious issues with Anchor that most people were overlooking (hey! it's free!). 

Today I just feel moved to let you know that YES, I do not recommend Anchor, but for NEW reasons. 


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Episode 793 on Media Hosts

03:01  Update on Tascam
03:49  Good Customer Service
06:28  Submit Your Favorite Podcast
08:06  Why I Don't Recommend
32:22  New Feedback Tool
35:23  Atta Boy To Neil and Scott