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June 20, 2022

Why Should I Care About Your Show?

Why Should I Care About Your Show?

There are times when we need to be able to answer hard questions about our show. Today we talk about some new posts from Apple, and in addition to ABT, we look at why you keep talking yourself out of starting your podcast.  Focusrite: The...

There are times when we need to be able to answer hard questions about our show. Today we talk about some new posts from Apple, and in addition to ABT, we look at why you keep talking yourself out of starting your podcast. 

Focusrite: The Vocaster Series Made For Podcasters

  • AutoGain - Easily set your levels with the click of a button, with more than enough gain on tap (70dB) – no booster needed
  • Enhance - Four podcaster-approved voice presets to bring out the best in any voice
  • Mute - Silence the mic with the touch of a button - don’t let unexpected interruptions get in the way of recording
  • Connect your phone - Record phone calls, high-quality music, or other audio from your device, seamlessly 
  • Record to a camera - Plug in your camera and record directly to its memory card 
  • Loopback - Stream calls or any other audio you can think of from your computer with two sets of stereo loopback
  • Included software - Hindenburg Lite to record, three months of SquadCast Pro + Video to bring in your guests, and six months of Acast Influencer to publish, you’re ready to get your show out there
  • Learn more at: 


Apple post on Search

Apple posts on Charts

The Narrative Gym: Introducing the ABT Framework For Messaging and Communication

Out on the Wire: The Storytelling Secrets of the New Masters of Radio


Samson Q2U

Episode 758

School of Podcasting