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Nov. 28, 2016

Standing Out Leads To Better Opportunities and A Six Figure Podcast Income: Michael O’Neal Interview

Standing Out Leads To Better Opportunities and A Six Figure Podcast Income: Michael O’Neal Interview

Today we talk with Michael Oneal. Michael has over 500 episodes of his , and also a co-host/producer of the . Michael talks about how standing out leads to better relationships which lead to better opportunities. He also talks about his new "" course....

Today we talk with Michael Oneal. Michael has over 500 episodes of his Solopreneur Hour, and also a co-host/producer of the Hines Ward show. Michael talks about how standing out leads to better relationships which lead to better opportunities. He also talks about his new "Art of the Interview" course.

Sponsor: Emerald City Productions

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Because of my Podcast: Jim Collison Caught the Attention of the Department of Labor

3:06 Jim Collison does a podcast for his job. Also at his job he works with high school students in an intern program. The country needs more programmers. Gallup is making it happen. He got interviewed on the program (see the video at, but what caught the ears of the State of Nebraska Department of Labor? The Audio podcast.

So because of Jim’s Podcast, he got a meeting with the Department of Labor for the State of Nebraska.

See Jim’s podcast for Gallup at

Jim also does his podcast which you can find at

Michael Oneal Stand Outs Above the Rest

9:51 Michael Oneal comes up with stuff that is awesome, and the beauty of his information is that it is stuff you can put into action immediately. Here is an example. If you are doing an interview with someone and you don't want them to use the "same old stories" in this interview. What do you do? Use those stories in your introduction, and they can't use them in their answers. They are forced to come up with NEW answers. BRILLIANT.

He has a new course called the Art of the Interview which you can find at

Michael started out as a web designer who has lived all over the country and has had some great experiences. He is a professional drummer and has acquired skills in all sorts of areas.

He filled in on the David Wood Show, started his own show and within a year was making a six figure income. Today we want to know how he did it. 

Michael stood out by giving Pat Flynn an iTunes gift card, and late taking him to lunch (after slowly building the relationship) then DIDN'T grill him about business (he zagged when everyone else zigged). This "non-grilling" talk then stood out from every conversation that Pat usually has at lunch. So Michael turned that into the Solopreneur Hour Show and how he has over 8 million downloads.

Michael produces/hosts a show with Hines Ward Show from the Pittsburgh Steelers. Today you hear how relationships got Michael in the door that had been closed.

Michael spent 90% of his bank account to buy flowers for John Lee Dumas, and it resulted in a great friendship that has lead to Michael partnering with John with different projects.

Michael turned down coaching because he didn't feel he was a coach. His audience showed him he was missing an opportunity.

He didn't launch with giant platforms. He got to know his audience by talking directly with his community and launched with a private Facebook group. This private Facebook Group has now evolved to Michael's Solo Lab

28:02 Michael is launching a new show about Hi End Stereo Equipment because he likes talking about it. He's not thinking about sponsors. He's not thinking about downloads. He's thinking he enjoys super high-end audio equipment and wants to talk about it. Now think about that. THIS AUDIENCE (hi-end stereo equipment) HAS MONEY, AND they don't have a problem spending it. He didn't over think it. He didn't do months of research. He wants to talk about it, so he did. As he said on his Solorpreneur show, "I'll figure the rest out later."

Most shows are awful because they are started not on passion, but on the idea of monetization and making big bucks. So when life happens, and you run out of steam, your episodes suffer.

The Art of the Interview

30:00 Michael trains people that "Patterns Become Products" and that is what inspired the Art of the Interview Course that Michael recently launched. People kept asking him for it (a pattern) so he turned it into a product;

Here again, Michael took steps to stand out. He made three separate courses in one.

He recorded the course in a video format

For the audio version, he didn't just strip the audio from the video. He recorded different audio to maximize the audio format.

He had some take transcripts of the audio, and then tweak it into a Kindle book.

He does a "directors cut" version of one of his toughest interviews. You get to hear Michael "Armchair Quarterback" the interview.

More Ways To Stand Out

38:01 Michael shared the stories of gift cards and flowers, but Michael shares GREAT tips on making sure your guest will promote your show

People don't take the word "host" serious enough.

As many podcast listeners don't listen to the end of the show, don't wait to plug the guest at the end of the show (please note that is why I plugged Michael's courses at the beginning of the interview).

Michaels Resources

Solo Media Ninja Course

Michael's Coaching Program

Michael's Free Course on Attending Contentions

Michaels Solo Lab

Art of the interview course

Solopreneur Hour Podcast

Dynamic Ad Insertion Is Awful

45:20 Dynamic ads allow you to populate our back catalog with advertisements. I play a clip from a show, and the transition from content to ad back to content is mind boggling. has announced that they partnered with Podomatic. While this is interesting, what we need is not more podcasts. For those that want to monetize, we need MORE SPONSORS.

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JKM Agency (Podcast Advertising)

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