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Oct. 4, 2021

Taking a Break and Coming Back From Your Podcast

Taking a Break and Coming Back From Your Podcast

There are times when I feel podcasters over-think things, and one of them is "How do I come back if I take an unplanned break?" It's not a whole lot different than starting a podcast from scratch (except it's easier). Sponsor: Novel Marketing Podcast...

There are times when I feel podcasters over-think things, and one of them is "How do I come back if I take an unplanned break?" It's not a whole lot different than starting a podcast from scratch (except it's easier).

Sponsor: Novel Marketing Podcast

A lot of podcasters plan to write a book but they don't know where to start. Our sponsor the Novel Marketing Podcast is here to help. Thomas Umstattd Jr is a wealth of knowledge and he can get you going in the right direction. Check out

Mentioned In This Podcast

Eric Nuzum interview

Make Noise: A Creator's Guide to Podcasting and Great Audio Storytelling Book



I need your answer by 10/22/21. The question is "How do you feel about hearing a guest's FULL story?" Be sure to mention the name of your show, the website, and a little bit about your show. 

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00:00  Introduction
00:27  Welcome
01:14  Taking Breaks From Your Podcast: Don't
03:34  It's Your Choice
04:10  Things You Should Consider
05:07  Using Seasons
06:34  Off Seasons May Not Be Off
07:39  How I Don't Miss Episodes
08:31  Consistency in VALUE over Schedule
09:57  I Really Need To Take a Break
10:34  The Best Way to Take a Break: PLAN IT
11:23  Figure Out When You're Coming Back
12:28  Keep Your Listener Informed
13:56  SPONSOR: Novel Marketing Podcast
15:11  Unplug If That Is the Goal
16:21  Identify Why You Need a Break
17:13  Make Your Last Episode a GREAT Episode
18:03  No Explanation Needed
20:52  Losing Listeners Is Not More Important
21:21  Relaunching Your Podcast
22:00  Is Taking a Break More Work?
22:35  Have Episodes Recorded and Ready
23:15  Quick Summary So Far
23:55  Other Things to Consider
24:50  Best of Shows
25:33  Where to Announce Your Hiatus?
26:24  Avoid Podfading
27:55  The Biggest Mistake
30:35  Resurrecting a Podfaded Show
33:54 promo code sopfree
34:31  Question of the Month
35:44  One Tip to Making Podcasting Easier
37:12  If You Need a Break From Life
38:56  Bloopers

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