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Aug. 4, 2014

Targeting Your Audience with Ben Krueger the Podcast Marketing Guy

Targeting Your Audience with Ben Krueger the Podcast Marketing Guy

Get More Customers Through Podcasting

Today we talk about identifying your perfect customer and then making a podcast for them . We also hear a story of courage from a young 14 year old boy. We get an update on the patent troll case, and a book review

Because of His Attitude [5:00]

Today I get feedback from a 14 year old Australian boy who had the courage to ask to speak at a Wordcamp. Sure enough he passed, and was able to speak in front of 500 people. His attitude, "What the heck, let's try and see." I think we all can learn from William and see that while we may not think we have the credentials, WE DO. For those above the age of 14, you have a bit more history under our belt.

Get Reviewed on the Podcast Review Show [9:43]

Recently we reviewed Dan Hansen's Coffee Couch (hear the review). Dan shares his thoughts on the experience. You can get the most affordable private coaching with two coaches for $99

Marketing Your Business With Your Podcast - Ben Kruger Interview [11:20]

Ben Kruger produces the Authority Engine podcast and is known as the "Podcast Marketing Guy" who took his passion for marketing and incorporated it into a podcast that helps people use podcasting to bring in new clients. He offers services for small business who just want to create content (and let Ben and his team do the rest) Some topics we talk about are: Does your show need to be daily? How many downloads do you need to be successful? The key is targeting your audience. Find the top leaders in your niche and help them deliver the best content to their audience. Don't do a giant commercial. Start building your email list with tools like Aweber and Mailchimp

Book Recommendation :

Ray Edwards recommend a bunch of books on his last episode. I've heard about the Scorre conference and it turns out the man behind it has written a book about it (for those who can't afford the $1300 for the conference). I've only read the book's first two chapters and it's been highlighted so much it looks like a pee'd on the book. I'm using it to shape my presentation at Podcast Movement. I can see this being useful for people: Doing presentations Pastors Podcasters It really talks about how you should THINK before pressing record.  

Patent Troll Tries to back Off - Adan Carolla is Going in the for the Kill

Adam Carolla was being sued by a company who claims to own a patent on podcasting  (they are trolls, they blackmail people for money). They picked on the wrong dog, and this dog has a microphone and bit back. Well the troll is now saying "never mind" and has decided to drop the case and go after TV networks (more money). Adam is NOT dropping the case as most of us feel we can prove their patent is invalid and then they won't be able to sue ANYONE in the future. YOU GO ADAM! Full story  

Mentioned in this Show Podcast Movement. UK Podcasters Smart Podcast Player