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Sept. 22, 2014

Tools To Connect With and Grow Your Audience / Gaming The System

Tools To Connect With and Grow Your Audience / Gaming The System

Today we have some cool tools to help you conntect with your audience, as well as some news from Apple, and I talk about Gaming the iTunes system and how it might rob iTunes of its integrity. See for full notes.

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Podcast Album Art is Now The Size of Your Head [2:00]

Apple has released a new spec for album artwork is now can be a minimum of 1400X1400 the recommended size is now 2048X2048 jpg Apple is “not” recommending you save your image art in .png (portable network graphics) format, but if you can’t resist .png needs to be RGB (red, green and blue color model) only.  There are sties like that you can use to try and resize your current album artwork.

Podcast Rewind [4:05]

I appeared on the Internet Marketing show (By Site Visibility) one of the longest running and top rated Internet Marketing Podcasts. Check it out here I also appeared on the Gary Leland Show where we talk about using Podcasting with your business. Check it out here

Simple Podcast Press - Grow Your List and Subscriptions [7:25]

Today we interview Hani Mourra the man behind the Simple Podcast Press plugin for Wordpress. We all want podcasting to be easy, we want to grow our audience, we want subscribers, we want promotion, and this tool does all of that with a 2 minute install.Hani Mourra You can add links to itunes, stitcher, soundcloud, as well as a download button. You can also have button for people to subscribe to your email list (so if you're using someone like Aweber or Mail Chimp). With these tools you can boost your subscribers and your email list. Another great feature is the ability to make clickable tweets with a few mouse clicks. This can make it super easy for your audience to share your show. The plugin will also help create easy to remember links like that link to the episode (again making it simple to share) Lastly if provides the latest reviews from iTunes right in your dashboard. I was worried as I am already using PowerPress (for my player) and Pretty link (for my easy to remember links). The plugin does not have any conflicts with these plugins and in the case of PowerPress can easily switch the player on your website and all the back catalog. This means by installing this plugin you can an email sign up on every episode. That's pretty cool when you are someone like me who has over 400 episodes. The best part is if you're not happy with it, you can get a refund as there is a 30 day money back guarantee

Want a Coupon For the School of Podcasting? [16:24]

Call Loop SMS MarketingI am testing a new system called which is a tool to build a list of people you can text (or you can deliver automated marketing information - like a coupon over their phone). All you have to do is text the word podcast to 38470 and you will receive a coupon for the School of Podcasting. You can start with a free program and only pay .05 for the messages you send. If you want a keyword (podcast in my case) it's $10 a month. There are other plans available at If you'd rather have people sign up for your email list check out which is $19 a month but people can send a keyword (in my case podcast ) to 66866 and they will be asked to subscribe to my email list. If you like these kind of tools and fun way to grow your audience, check out my Weekly Web Tools Podcast


Last 5 in 5 [20:05]

Today we have a last 5 in 5 from a regular person in the chat room of the Ask the Podcast Show Tommy G Kendrick who runs the Actors Talk Podcast The Unmistakable Creative Podcast411 School of Podcasting Podcaster's Roundtable This is Your Life

Podcast Review Swapping [ 22:05]

I published an article on Podcaster News I made a couple of points:

  1. You only have one change to make a first impression
  2. When you start, your publish may need some polishing
  3. Sometimes getting to the front of the line before your ready is a bad thing in the long run - see American Idol
  4. Good marketing only allows people to find out you have a poor product faster
  5. Remember word of mouth works both ways
  6. When you do things SOLEY in the name of profit< it"s typically not good for the consumer.
  7. Review Swapping Damages the reputation of New and Noteworth