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Dec. 25, 2017

Top Podcasts Of 2017

Top Podcasts Of 2017

Every year I wind up the year by asking you what your favorite podcast is (if you could only listen to one sh0w) and more importantly why is it your favorite show. Here are the responses: 2:53 Kit from - She Loves as she learns things she can...

Every year I wind up the year by asking you what your favorite podcast is (if you could only listen to one sh0w) and more importantly why is it your favorite show. Here are the responses:

2:53 Kit from Active Travel Adventures Podcast - She Loves StoryBrand as she learns things she can use in every show

3:36 Adam from Dark Knight Minute loves Digital DadsHe loves the inspiring message.

4:43 Anna Authentic Moments loves The Good Life Project by Jonathan Fields for the in-depth conversations

5:46 Darwyn Dave -Dealing with My Grief podcast enjoys the Grief Dreams  as it has similar views on the subject. Dave and Josh have bonded over the subject.

8:21 Ben from Modern Self Protection likes the Survival Podcast with Jack Spirko. He enjoys to tips to help you in your life every day (not just end of the world stuff)

9:42 Abby  from A time for Horses  loves the  Wooden Overcoats podcast because it's  really Really Funny

10:47 Brian from Engaging Missions likes The School of Podcasting for the interviews and engaging stories wrap up in a professional production

11:56 Clay from Fishnerds loves the Beyond Data podcast due to the  Uber geeky information about Fish

13:14 Daniel Everybody's National Parks loves the Wow in the World podcast as she can listen with the kids

14:28 Paul - Fighting Through Podcast (Great unpublished History) love Dan Carlin's  Hardcore History - The Storyteller's Storyteller, Content is just Awesome

18:32 Justin from Optimal Living Daily loves the Feed from Libsyn. They answer his questions and he gets information that is so good he needs to write it down.

19:28 Kim from Toastmasters 101  she loves the  Clifton Strengths Coaching Blog Theme Thursdays. They even have notes and worksheets you can print out

21:34 Matt from The Author Inside You Podcast really enjoys Ask Drone U  Matt has recently got into Drones and the info is informative and fun. They are also the perfect length.

22:19 Steve Stewart is still listening to Stacking Benjamins (for the fourth year in a row). It's informative, super creative, and very helpful for managing your finances

23:05 Randy Cantrell  from the Peer Advantage - His favorite podcast is the last one he listened to as he changes topics all the time.

24:09 Patrick and Aaron from the  Broken Line Podcast  loves the in-depth information provided by the Meat Eater Podcast

25:03 Scott From the Computer Tutor Podcast loves the  Podcast Rodeo Show for its honest, entertaining reviews of different podcasts.

28:30 Seth From and loves the Rebel Force Radio and considers it the best Stars Wars podcast for its great production.

29:29 Cheri from the Creation Science 4 Kids Podcast just found and loves  The Story Grid podcast. It's great for helping people who write non-fiction write fiction. She feels deeply connected to the hosts and has purchased Shawn Coyne's book The Story Grid Book

31:59 Win Charles Butterflies of Wisdom like the Dreams in Drive podcast

32:38 Zack Raising Rents (as in paRENTS) love the  Based on a True Story Its where History meets Hollywood. I love history books, but don't have alot of time. He educates while he entertains me.

35:30 Erik K Johnson from the Podcast Talent Coach show likes as they provide real-life strategies for making and selling products. They are real people, and they deliver more than theory.

39:09 I've created the ultimate Because of My Podcast Mega Mix spotlighting the many ways people have benefitted from launching their podcast.

This includes:

  • Attending a taping of a TV show
  • Speaking to celebrities, athletes, supreme justices, and others people we have no business speaking to..
  • Getting paid to travel to different places (in some cases by 220%)
  • Getting millions in sales from billion-dollar clients
  • Getting Free Stuff
  • Organizing Charity Events
  • Building a network of resources and people
  • Be contacted to write a book, to create videos
  • Have their face on the cover of a comic book
  • Getting free wine
  • Getting numerous jobs
  • Quit their job as a Doctor to do podcasting full time.
  • Have boosted time with their family and now feel they have a purpose

Make 2018 the Year You Start Your Successful Podcast

Please let me help you in any of these ways

One on one podcast consulting I can help with any podcast situation

School of Podcasting Self Paced Tutorials (and Facebook Group, Live Coaching, Priority Email Support)

Podcasting in Six Weeks - Live Group Coaching starts January 6th (includes a year at the School of Podcasting). Be in iTunes by February. (A $5299 Value for $1499). Price goes up January 1st.