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Oct. 27, 2014

Two Questions You Need to Ask Every Audience Member - Snake Oil Shipments on the Way

Two Questions You Need to Ask Every Audience Member - Snake Oil Shipments on the Way

Two Questions You Need to Ask Every Audience Member - Snake Oil Shipments on the Way

Today we have LOTS of podcasting news and new products on the horizons (some good, some seem kind of slimy). I explain what two questions I ask every time I meet a listener, and I think I found the Wordpress theme of my dreams. 




Today we have LOTS of podcasting news and new products on the horizons (some good, some seem kind of slimy). I explain what two questions I ask every time I meet a listener, and I think I found the Wordpress theme of my dreams. Got a comment? Call it in 888-563-3228 or visit the contact page for more options to get involved. 

New Car Dashboard

I now own a Toyota Prius (2012). When You connect to a iPhone it shows this:


Prius Dashboard Show Podcast

Podcast Listening Myths

You don't have to stream them them. You can download them when you on wi-fi (only) and then listen to them on your car. The Podcasts app from Apple also deletes the file as soon as you are through the whole episode. 

Stitcher is Purchased by Deezer

Stitcher is a great podcast consumption app (free) for both Ios and Android. Do I care? At this point Deezer is a music subscription service not available in the USA. They have been around since 2007. It's interesting. Stitcher says they are not going away. I will file this under, "Wait and see."

SoundCloud Discussion on New Media Show

Per Rob of the New Media Show Soundcloud has gone through most of their funding. Does this mean they are going out of business? No. Does it mean they need to be profitable soon? Yes. 


Appendpity Podcaster Pro (and other themes) will soon integrate with PowerPress

I've used Appendipty themes in the past, but I wanted a little more flexibility. They just released the Podcast Pro theme, and it is WOW. The one thing it didn't do is integrate with the PowerPress plugin. I introduce Joey from Appendity to Todd Cohcrane from Blubrry who introduced Joey to Angelo (the main developer of PowerPress). The bottom line is the theme and plugin will work together very soon (probably a month or so). This way people who have started their podcast  and have a number of past episodes they won't have to copy and paste the location of the mp3 file into Appendpity part of your post (very cool). The Podcast Pro is $59 and need the Genesis framework $59. The good new is you can use it on more than one site for that $59. 

Two Questions You Should Always Ask Your Audience[20:15]

When you find yourself in direct contact with your audience be sure to ask them two questions:

How did you find my show? 

This way you can see what is working, and do more of that. 

What would you like to hear on my show?

This will bring you ideas for future shows. If they have no ideas, they will tell you what you are doing right. In my example my listener told me he was glad that I don't interview the "same old people."

What was the last podcast you listened to? How did you find that show? Call it in 888-563-3228

Snake Oil is on the Way (Audello) 26:15

A very successful Internet Marketer will be releasing a podcast publishing platform at the end of this week. My guess is this is going to be on the expensive side (if it's like previous product releases - I owned Easy Video Suite 2). There are tons of items in their video that just play on people who don't know better. PLUS they have contacted all the other Internet Marketers to promote it with affiliate programs (which is also why these are often over-priced as they have to pay 50% to an affiliate). 

I'm not saying this is a bad product. It could be very good, but it did show the system using feedburner (a really bad idea) and other tools that will make it look super easy. Many of these tools like WP Bakery allow you to drag and drop things on your Wordpress Page. 

Making Money with your podcast is not bad. People open restaurants every day and many of these don't make it through the first year. Podcasters who are looking to make a living quickly need to know their chances of success are not great. They are not impossible, but it takes a lot of work. a lot of hustle, and some luck. Please go in with your eyes open. If you're not sure, reach out to me and I will help you.