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Sept. 4, 2017

Um, Yeah, NO! - Keeping Bad Content Away From Your Audience

Um, Yeah, NO! - Keeping Bad Content Away From Your Audience

Every month I ask my audience a question. This month is have you ever been approached by someone who OBVIOUSLY has NO CLUE about your show? Special Thanks To:  Bernie from Lee Silverstein from the  has people wanting to talk about Cancer...

Every month I ask my audience a question. This month is have you ever been approached by someone who OBVIOUSLY has NO CLUE about your show?

Special Thanks To: 

Bernie from Bernie the Cat Show

Lee Silverstein from the Colon Cancer Podcast has people wanting to talk about Cancer conspiracies.

Glenn Hebert from the Horse Radio Network had someone ask for a donation if he didn't want to be on the show.

Matthew McClain does an audio drama (obviously no guests) but still gets solicited to have guests be on his show. His show is "A Scottish Podcast"

I had someone contact me about the Healing Our Marriage show (which is defunct) and I "Played" with them, and asked why they loved my show

Jason Bryant from Matt Talk Online

Podcast Booking Resources

Interview Valet - Find and/or be a guest

Interview Connections - Rock both sides of the microphone (one of the oldest podcast booking agents) - A free resource for finding guests

Help a Reporter - Reports looking for Experts

How to Get Radio Interviews (Course) 

More Resources at

I'll Be Speaking at:

Podcast Midatlantic September 8-9 in the greater Philadelphia Area

National Podcast Power September 23rd in Perrysburg, Ohio

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