SPONSOR: Focusrite USB Interfaces I got to play with a and if you are looking for an easy to get your microphone into your computer (and have the option to have a co-host as well) without having to look at a TON of knobs, check out...
SPONSOR: Focusrite USB Interfaces
I got to play with a Focusrite 2i2 and if you are looking for an easy to get your microphone into your computer (and have the option to have a co-host as well) without having to look at a TON of knobs, check out the Focusrite 2i2. As I'm on a PC, I downloaded a driver, plugged in the unit, and was ready to record. If you're on a Mac computer, you just plug it in.
If you want a backup copy of your recording, plug a cable into the monitor out and send the signal to your portable recorder.
It's built like a tank and is a lovely shade of red.
Check out the interface selector tool that helps you pick the right model for you at their website.
Libsyn.com recently rolled out custom tracking codes for those on their advanced stats. This allows you to enter a code(s) for an episode so you can track where your podcast comes from. Most podcast hosting platforms give you access to geographic data, and insight into what apps people are using as well as the number of downloads. The good news is anybody can share your podcast. I've known people who had giant boosts in downloads by having a popular blog link to their website. If you had a tracking code for that episode on your website, you would get more than "A player" or "A browser" you would be able to see the source of your downloads.
In doing a quick test I made a link for my newsletter, and more my website so I could see that yes, both of those sources had people listening to my episode.
Get a free month at Libsyn.com using the coupon code sopfree
You can use what are called UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) which is a format used by Google to track things. You can go to https://ga-dev-tools.appspot.com/campaign-url-builder/ to create a campaign. Here is a link to a video that explains it (from Google)
I met Steph at We Are Podcast 2018 in Melbourne Australia. She is awesome, and once saved me from a giant cockroach (a long story for another time). She's only been podcasting for around six months and is having huge success (thousands of downloads). Check out her show "Socialite" at https://stephtaylor.co/
Much like the Libsyn Custom Link, you can use a UTM to track where your show is being heard (the source).
Some other takeaways from my talk with Stephanie:
How to know what social media platform to use
The social network that you may not be using
She uses Recur Post to automate some of her postings
She uses a Pinterest template from Creative Market
How she uses automationagency.com to trim down her publishing stress
Because of her podcast, she got to speak at We Are Podcast
Her strategy to maximize her launch
Jonathan Bloom from the Weekly Awesome Podcast- The Bible
Paul from the Fight Through Podcast like the Fighting Through Book (his Dad is the author)
Dennis Looney from the Gridlock MBA - All Marketers Are Liars By Seth Godin
Josh Liston On the Bubble Podcast - A Man Called Ove (Fiction), H is for Hawk (non Fiction), The Halo Effect (business)
Stephanie from the Virtual Ex Pat - Global Soul
Todd Brant from the Why Urology podcast - Quiet the Power of Introverts
Win from Ask Win - Big Magic and her own book I, Win (about her journey with Cerebral Palsy)
John Friedl (Professor Slots) - Persuasion (only 200 years old) and The Deed of Paksenarrion (fantasy literature trilogy)
For December it is time for your yearly tradition of answering the question,
"What is the ONE podcast (if you can only pick one) podcast (your favorite). Where can we find it? And WHY is it your favorite. Lastly, where can we find your show and what is it about?
See www.schoolofpodcasting.com/contact (if you record and email it, please put "December question of the month)
Link to Official Google Video on Google UTM and URL Builder ( https://youtu.be/pNRgUq5sDhc )
Google Analytics Academy from Google
Recur Post (Automated posting)
Creative Market (Graphic Templates)
Free Course on Google Analytics
Web Hosting and Domain Names
Sign Up To Be an Audible Affiliate
If you're looking for step by step self-paced tutorials go to www.schoolofpodcasting.com/start (and start a monthly membership)
If you are looking for consulting or mentorship see www.schoolofpodcasting.com/workwithme