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Feb. 18, 2008

Wizzard Media - Technnology for Podcasters

Wizzard Media - Technnology for Podcasters

This show originates from
The NEW School of Podcasting site (created with ) is now live.
Today we talk with Rob Walch from Wizzard Media. () as well as and co-author of he also is a co-host of Today in Podcasting
Wizzard has technology to...

This show originates from

The NEW School of Podcasting site (created with ) is now live.

Today we talk with Rob Walch from Wizzard Media. ( as well as and co-author of Tricks of the Podcasting Masters he also is a co-host of Today in Podcasting

Wizzard has technology to let you GEOGRAPHICALLY target your audience. They also have tools to allow you to get demographic information so in the end an advertiser could ask Wizzard, "I want to put get my product or service in front of males 18-25 years old in the Dallas Texas area." Keep in mind the more detailed they get, the more you can charge. This involves being hosted at Libsyn ( )

If you are looking to learn how to podcast, check out the School of Podcasting at