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July 27, 2020

Your Favorite Episode of Your Podcast (and why)

Your Favorite Episode of Your Podcast (and why)

Today we revisit the topic of Impostor Syndrome (something we talked about in episode 627), as you won't believe who has impostor syndrome (the whole, "Why would anyone listen to me???).  We also share what your favorite episode is and why (some...

Today we revisit the topic of Impostor Syndrome (something we talked about in episode 627), as you won't believe who has impostor syndrome (the whole, "Why would anyone listen to me???). 

We also share what your favorite episode is and why (some pretty amazing answers thanks to all who participated). 

Join the School of Podcasting Worry Free

Worry about sounding bad or unprofessional? Worried about buying equipment you don't need? Worried you'll make all those common mistakes that podcasters make? Then quit worrying and join the School of Podcasting. You get step by steps tutorials, live group coaching, a private mastermind group, and priority email support. You also get a 30-day money-back guarantee (so you can join worry-free). see

Because of My Podcast - I Got to Interview Tony Danza

Willam shares the hoops he had to jump through to get Tony Danza on his podcast. Listen to the episode at

Garth Brooks and Impostor Syndrome

In the docuseries Garth Brooks - The Road I'm On there is a great segment where you learn Garth is the top-selling solo artist of all time, and at the same time is hiding in his hotel room afraid nobody will show up to his concert in central park (they did, almost 1 million people did - making it the largest concert in central park).

Nothing you start ends up where you thought it would. (think about that and I believe you'll find it is true). We worry about failure. I'm listening to a book on Audible called Exactly Where To Start by Philip M Jones. He makes a great point about failure and mistakes. 

First, understand the difference between a failure and a mistake. A mistake is incorrectly doing something that you knew specifically how you were supposed to do. A failure is trying something you've not tried before, and it working out differently than you hoped for. Seeing these differences instantly empowers a difference in your acceptance between the two and possibly helps you become more excited about your future failures.  - Philip M Jones Exactly Where to Start Get the Audio Book For Free 

Take a second and list all of the hard things (or things you perceived as hard at the time) that you have accomplished. You've done more than you think. 

What Is Your Favorite Episode and Why?

While this wasn't planned, I love that many of these episodes involved people trying something new, or stepping out of their comfort zone. Thanks to all who participated:

Veronica -Fat Loss Success Stories

Anthony -Route 66 Podcast

Dan  Based on a True Story

Arnie  The Football History Dude

Dave - Dealing With My Grief

Curtis -Retrozest Podcast

York - Poetic

Scott Amazing Maine Podcast

Bill Monroe - Stroke Cast

Matt - The Author Inside You

Dave - The School of Podcasting 

August Question of the Month

With so many people answering this month's question who have been doing this a while, How do you keep going? (or why haven't you quit)? For those who have NOT started a podcast yet, What is holding you back? Go to to answer before August 28th, 2020.

Mentioned In This Episode

Overcoming Impostor Syndrome

Exactly Where To Start- Book/Audio Book

August Question of the Month

Work With My - Podcast Consulting

Free Audible Book

Overcoming Impostor Syndrome


Table of Contents

00:56 Because of My Podcast - 
03:20 Join the School of Podcasting Worry Free
04:21 You Won't Believe Who Has impostor Syndrome
10:09 Overcoming Impostor Syndrome
13:05 Mistakes vs Failure
15:39 What is your favorite episode of your podcast
40:26 August Question of the Month
44:09 What is coming
45:13 Bloopers